Home Schooling

Home Schooling Information

The Warren County Educational Service Center processes home education requests for the following local districts only: Carlisle Local, Kings Local, and Wayne Local. If you reside in one of these districts and would like to submit a request to home school, please send your paperwork to Amanda.Greer@warrencountyesc.com. Notification/request forms can be found on the right of this screen.

All other school districts in Warren County process their own requests and notifications should be sent directly to the superintendent’s office of the respective district. Please refer to the website of your school district of residence for details and forms.

Completed notification forms are forwarded to the appropriate school district by our office for review and signature, per the requirements of the State of Ohio for home schooling. If the form is not complete it will be returned to you, causing a delay in the process.

Please note: You may not remove your child from school until you have received the letter of acknowledgment to home school. Until then, your child will be considered truant which could result in legal consequences.

Parents or guardians who decide to home school are completely responsible for choosing the curriculum. Ohio Department of Education has resources and more information available to those who homeschool at the following link:
(Home Schooling | Ohio Department of Education)

For questions Please Contact: Amanda.Greer@warrencountyesc.com